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ADD / ADHD Video Channel

ADD – ADHD What Is It?

ADD/ADHD and depression or anxiety

When you have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, you may also have associated disorders such as depression or anxiety. Life is more difficult for people with ADD, so it is not surprising they have a greater risk of suffering other conditions.

ADHD and Addictions

A person with ADD or ADHD often has associated disorders, including addiction, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, and eating disorders. However, they are often connected in an understandable way to attentional problems, often referred to as an ADHD syndrome. Life is more difficult for people with ADD, so it is not surprising they have a greater risk of suffering other conditions.

ADD – ADHD in Adults

Does ADD/ADHD count as a disability?

Yes, legally and technically it is. A person with an attentional disorder can be registered under the Disability Discrimination Act. So, if you are at school or in higher education you can access exemptions, such as additional time and flexibility for assignments and different arrangements for exams.

ADD and ADHD: The Impact on Relationships

These days most employers have no problem with someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD. In some cases it will be necessary to provide certification to confirm the diagnosis and treatment.

ADD ADHD Testing

How is ADHD diagnosed?

“Adult ADHD test” is actually a popular word for what we call a psychiatric assessment. The most important diagnostic pointers for a psychiatrist are the history, preferably corroborated by someone who knew you as a child, such as a parent or a sibling, and your mental state (what is observed at interview).

How can I be tested for ADHD as an adult?

There is a variety of approaches used by a psychiatrist to assess adult patients for Attention Deficit Disorder. Clinical assessment is the most important test method. If you have been told you may have an attentional problem, book a consultation and ask for an assessment.

What causes ADD/ADHD?

One of the most consistent findings is that a person with an attentional problem has a reduced brain volume. That’s most obvious in children and what you see in children is that the development of their brain volume catches up with a delay of about 2 years.

ADD ADHD Treatment

Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy work for ADD and ADHD?

Behaviour therapy is useful for those with attentional disorders. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can be very effective for associated conditions, such as depression and anxiety. So, ADHD treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Do I need treatment with mild forms of ADD / ADHD?

It depends on how you define a “mild form of ADD – ADHD”. If you’re doing as well as possible in your marriage, at your work, and you’re happy with that, well go for it. But you’re never too old to get treatment. We can help you to do better.

Dr Anthony Mander